Monday, May 10, 2010

Iron Man 2 Review

Iron Man 2, one of the most anticipated film since its prequal which was released in 2008. Now I'm no expert like Roger Ebert, I just love watching many movies. And i happen to love comic book.
In this review i will not give to much or have any type of spoilers, as much as i love reading spoilers i dont like spoiling movies for people.
So here it goes, I attended the Friday night showing with my girlfreind and a few friends, from the start i knew that this movie wasn't going to be like the first one, for starters the line wasn't as long as the first (sorry Stephanie). I enjoyed this film, I can't say the same for others. Now the movie starts of in Russia and introduces us to Ivan Vanko and his dying father, while at the exact moment Tony Stark reviels himself to be Iron Man, from here it takes us 6 months from that point. We are also introduce to Justin Hammer a competiter of Tony Stark, now while those who have read the comics know that Justin Hammer is an old man whom wants to be the head hancho when it comes to weaponry but never succeeds thanks to Shellhead, Mr. Tony Stark. Well anyway back to the review, while this movie has the feeling of a filler then a actual sequal, it has a solid performances from the actors. Robert Doweny Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow performance as Tony Stark and Pepper Potts was to my opinion perfect, and Sam Rockwell's Justin Hammer was one of the most annoying characters you could ever meet. Mickey Rurke's Ivan Vanko/Whiplash was excellent, I think he could have used more screen time, Scarlett Johansson's character Black Widow was absolutly useless, they could have done much more development with her. Now Don Cheadle performance as Col. Rhodes/War Machine was perfect, not once did I think to myself "Where is Terrance Howard?". To me he completly made people believe he was in the first film.
Movie wise, their are too many cuts throughout the entire movie that gives you a feeling like if you are reading a comic book, for fans who read comics on a regular basis like myself have no problem with that but for fans who just like the movies, like my girlfriend, won't be so thrilled about that. I thought that certain scenes in the middle of the movie should have been cuted out. The CGI fight was a tiny bit tedious a certain points. The visual affect was great at time, but in some scenes you saw how fake the CGI was, which annoys the crap out of me. Now like I said in the beginning i really enjoyed this movie, but i think i enjoyed it because I was familiar with a few comic books that were used in this film.
For the fact that its a Iron Man movie, and i can stand random cuts in movies i give this movie 3 Hatches out of 4. It could have use a little more character development. But I guess we just have to wait for the third installment.

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